A letter to a Wonderful Client

Dear Wonderful Client,

I am writing in order to express and show my appreciation to our collaboration!

It has been a substantially long time since we started working together! I can recall that our very first contact was when I sent you my CV and within minutes you were calling my mobile phone to talk about a project you had for me! Showing trust and respect to my abilities, this first project was one of the largest I have ever completed in my professional life. In order to make you proud of the final project, the hours I spent on it were endless. I wanted a proofreader to come back without even a comma out of line! And so it was! Due to the nature of the project, millions of eyes would see my work and I had to make sure that it was spotless! Since then, we have worked on so many different ones that, if asked, I would not be able to count them! I can comment on the nature of the projects, though: all of them were very interesting and varied, none were similar to another! Researching for different fields and reading various documentations and literature makes me not only a better translator but I find myself being educated all the time.

Your replies to my emails when asking for advice or clarification arrive in the speed of time and I do not have to wait or get frustrated waiting for your guidance. By doing so, I am never late delivering the project hours or even days before the deadline! In addition, thank you for asking me when the work is going to be completed before you set the deadline!

I would also like you to know how much I appreciate you not haggling with my rates. The phrase “financial crisis” has not even mentioned, whereas others use it as an excuse. You have also respected yourself as a business entity and you have acknowledged the fact that I have flat minimum rates. Oh, and you never ask for freebies!

What had surprised me to a great extend, was the fact that you do not wait 30 days past the delivery date to pay the invoice. Sometimes, the invoice is paid the day after and even on the same day! Do you know how many translations agencies actually do that? I do. NONE. This is why you stand out from the crowd, because you do not do business like other agencies. What a client!

For all the above mentioned reasons, you are the best one amongst my clients: THANK YOU!

Your Translator,


This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. Hello,

    An outstanding letter and outstanding idea to really make it clear how a client should be. I really like it so much. It is like a love letter 😉 Thanks for that.

    1. Hello!

      Thank you so much for your kind words. This client really exists! I am blessed with this client and I date to hope for more!

      Thanks again,

  2. Wonderful letter, I do hope it is a true story because everybody deserves that client! I have one too and this letter might as well have been written directly to him, so similar!

    1. Annika,

      Thank you for your comment! Yes, this client is real! I believe translators who have such clients are so blessed. If only all clients were like this one!

      Greetings to Sverige (I lived in Stockholm for a while!)

      Thank again Annika!

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